Week 1, part 3 - Oyster Sauce and Honey.
As if I didn't have enough random food in my house, I also had a Costco-sourced four-pork-tenderloin pack, frozen into a solid log. Inspired by Top Chef, I decided to make each one using a different recipe, using different Shannon supplies. I was then going to style and photograph each one, write reviews, and choose a winner.
Fortunately, sensible thinking prevailed and I revised the plan. I decided to double up, and make only two versions. The first recipe was perfect - not only did it use two of my ingredients, oyster sauce and honey, but it also won the "Let's Cook Healthy! Iowa Pork" award at the Iowa State Fair in 1994. The exclamation point really sold me, honestly. I found it on Epicurious:
I made a few changes, leaving out onion powder and parsley because I didn't have them on hand and the last thing I need is more random food. I also baked it instead of grilling - about 30 minutes at 450.
This was wonderful, and super-easy for after work if you've done the marinating. In fact, I marinated it in the same dish I baked it in, and pulled it straight out of the fridge and put it in the oven. I probably should have served it with some rice and maybe a vegetable, but in my house it was served with leftover hummus and pita.
I thought about photographing it but it looked exactly like a brown cooked pork tenderloin. The leftovers were good too!
Let's Cook Healthy!
As if I didn't have enough random food in my house, I also had a Costco-sourced four-pork-tenderloin pack, frozen into a solid log. Inspired by Top Chef, I decided to make each one using a different recipe, using different Shannon supplies. I was then going to style and photograph each one, write reviews, and choose a winner.
Fortunately, sensible thinking prevailed and I revised the plan. I decided to double up, and make only two versions. The first recipe was perfect - not only did it use two of my ingredients, oyster sauce and honey, but it also won the "Let's Cook Healthy! Iowa Pork" award at the Iowa State Fair in 1994. The exclamation point really sold me, honestly. I found it on Epicurious:
I made a few changes, leaving out onion powder and parsley because I didn't have them on hand and the last thing I need is more random food. I also baked it instead of grilling - about 30 minutes at 450.
This was wonderful, and super-easy for after work if you've done the marinating. In fact, I marinated it in the same dish I baked it in, and pulled it straight out of the fridge and put it in the oven. I probably should have served it with some rice and maybe a vegetable, but in my house it was served with leftover hummus and pita.
I thought about photographing it but it looked exactly like a brown cooked pork tenderloin. The leftovers were good too!
Let's Cook Healthy!